It's 8pm.
But it feels like midnight. You know it has been a good day when you could have gone to bed at 6 and been happy with the day.
The NorthShore Hostel is great- awesome people, clean location, no A/C but lots of fans.
I need to start looking at elevation climbs before I head out the door. 15km round trip with the first 7.5 km being a constant uphill slog (approx. 600m elevation gain). I'Ao state park is beautiful. Although, I did look out of place when I ran up in my short shorts, fuel belt and tri top, and the horizontally grand tourists rolled out of their tour buses.
The run was good, but hot- I'm so glad I brought lots of fuel that I designed at Infinit Nutrition; yes that was a plug for Infinit. The electrolytes were needed as I was drenched by the end.
HR stayed high for most of the run. I'm going to say this is likely due to the heat as there was almost no variation in HR between 4:45 & 6 minute pace.
I'm glad to say I'm feeling stronger every day on the run- A bit nervous for this 5 minute mile still- when I get home I need to do an attempt and see where I'm at.
Core work:
2 x Ab ripper X Tony Horton runs a tight ship. I'm just sayin'
Did you know all public pools in Maui are free? All you do is walk on deck, sign in on a piece of paper and take a shower
And there is one about 1.5 miles from the NorthShore Maui Hostel?
Ok, onto the workout.
Sunscreen doesn't stay on when you are always sweating or in the water- I wouldn't say I'm burnt, but am feeling quite warm tonight.
Swim was very fresh- 4500 yards. 1000 w/u, 10 x 200 pull fast arm turnover, 1&5 scull/swim, desc 2-4 & 6-10. These were faster than I thought (1:55 for the last set)
1500 kick and then I crashed. I mean cramping everywhere.
Came home, stretched, attempted a nap, ate more bananas and chocolate milk than I've had in a while.
Dinner was rice & broccoli with plenty of soya sauce and mahi-mahi. Tapioca pudding and raisins for dessert (loving the carbs right now).
I'm spent, wishing I had a cold Corona, an ice bath, a personal masseuse and more than 6 hours till my Monday morning conference call.
A 6am PST Monday morning conference call is a 3am Hawaii middle of the night call.
Night everyone.
Haleakala tomorrow morning- bring on the fire.
Waters Wellness 1st Maui tri-camp will be happening in the next year. Hopefully Scotland's great Mike Adams will be with me to run it.
If you're still not doing what you want to do, how come?
"You've got one life to live. And if you do it right, that's all you'll need"
To your success,
We Tested: Slipstream Swim Performance
It's a portable swim machine that creates current up to 1:20/100 pace. Does
it actually work?
The post We Tested: Slipstream Swim Performance first appea...