Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Burried Life, The Bucket List, & the 100 before I die

  1. Live life with no regrets- truly believe that everything happens for a reason- I guess this is called Faith
  2. Hike the West Coast Trail
  3. Visit South Africa
  4. Bungy jump
  5. Love unconditionally
  6. Earn 1 million dollars in one year
  7. Celebrate my 25 year wedding anniversary
  8. Have 2 healthy, happy children
  9. Qualify for, and race Iron Man Hawaii
  10. Run a 5 minute mile
  11. Write a best selling book
  12. Visit the Galapagos Islands
  13. Mentor 5 people to earn a million dollars
  14. Backpack through South America
  15. Earn a Ph.D in Exercise Physiology/Nutrition
  16. Visit Machu Pcichu
  17. Spend 1 month in India
  18. Surf Indonesia
  19. Climb Yak Peak
  20. Joint Venture on a multi-million dollar real estate deal
  21. Buy my parents their dream vacation home
  22. Take my family on and all expense paid vacation to Ireland
  23. Spend four weeks each year, between December and March in the Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand and/or Australia)
  24. Play the piano well- grade 6
  25. Ride an elephant
  26. Have an endless summer; 18 months of summer. 6 months in Canada (April-October), 6 months in the Southern Hemisphere (November-March), 6 months in Canada (April-October)
  27. Complete the Love Dare
  28. Go to a Full Moon party
  29. Get an undergrad degree
  30. Read the entire Bible
  31. Sky dive in 3 countries
  32. Travel to South East Asia
  33. Travel to New Zealand
  34. Travel to Australia
  35. White water raft in 4 countries
  36. Hug a live Tiger
  37. Hike Kilimanjaro
  38. Run a sub 3 hour marathon
  39. Hear the Northern Lights
  40. Go to Alaska
  41. When collecting my baggage at the airport, have my baggage come out first on the carousel
  42. Visit natural hot springs in the Queen Charlotte Islands
  43. Be a paid extra in a movie
  44. Do a mission trip in a 3rd world country
  45. Be a staff member for the Olympics
  46. Published in a journal for Nutrition/Exercise Physiology
  47. Take dance lessons
  48. Go camping in the winter
  49. Be mentored by a millionaire
  50. Have lunch with a billionaire
  51. Eat an entire meal in pitch black
  52. Go tandem bungy jumping
  53. Mile high club
  54. Own an Audi R8
  55. Road trip from BC to Baja in a Westfalia
  56. Learn to sail
  57. Learn Italian
  58. Fall in Love
  59. Do an Ironman
  60. Have a piercing
  61. Get a tattoo
  62. Spend an entire day in silence
  63. Hold a human heart
  64. Coach/empower someone to release 100lbs
  65. Attend a Broadway musical
  66. Read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  67. Go to Vegas
  68. Go kayaking
  69. Become a grandfather
  70. Own a dog
  71. Win a national medal
  72. Travel to Fiji
  73. Surf in the Maldives
  74. Go on a cruise
  75. Swim with a sea turtle
  76. Climb a single pitch 5.12b
  77. Climb a multi pitch route
  78. Snowboard & surf in the same day
  79. Learn to fly
  80. Be a best man
  81. Leg press 800 lbs
  82. Perform a eulogy
  83. Win a game of Scrable
  84. Run a 10km with my dad in under an hour
  85. Work for a personal development company to empower others to choose their own lives
  86. Run a marathon with a family member
  87. Spend a whole day without complaining
  88. Create a scholarship to pay for a deserving student's degree
  89. Build a house with my dad
  90. Give the gift of life
  91. Travel for 1 week in another country with only: my passport, a wad of cash, and the clothes on my back
  92. Be a godfather
  93. Fly 1st class on a trans-atlantic/trans-pacific flight
  94. Stay at the Wickaninnish Inn
  95. See Cirque du Soleil
  96. Eliminate the following words from my vocabulary: Need, Should, Couldn’t, Can’t & Won’t
  97. Travel to Dubai
  98. Dance till sunrise in Greece
  99. Spend a week at Sanoviv
  100. Live a life of servantship, leadership, abundance and passion

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